- Specifically designed for use in cold weather and Remains stable from 0°F to 120°F - can use year-round
- LEED Compliant and NSF approved for potable water. UPC (IAPMO) listed under File No. 1796 and Exceeds ASTM D 2564 specifications
- Medium body - reduces product run-off and has excellent gap filling characteristics
- 2 year shelf life
- NOTE: Arctic 616L will dry below 40°F but all solvents evaporate slower at low temperatures. Use the PVC joint cure schedule for cold weather in ASTM D 2855 as a guideline for application below 40°F. Take extreme care on all joints made below 10°F
- Use for joining PVC pipe and socket-type fittings which meet Class 12454 as defined in ASTM specification D1784
- It is for use on PVC pipe through 6" Schedule 40 and 1 1/4" Schedule 80.
Recommended Use
- All PVC pipe applications such as potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit, sewers, and drain, waste and vent (DWV)
- Shelf Life: 2.00 YRS
Spec SheetSafety Data Sheet
Wisconsin DSPS Approval Letter
IAPMO Certificate of Listing
Solvent Cement Product Catalog
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