- DLM panel intelligence upgrades legacy relay panels without new wiring or relay replacement
- Easy setup via LMCT-100 handheld configuration tool
- Compatible with several commercially available and installed lighting relays
- Native BACnet MS/TP connectivity
- Can connect to Digital Lighting Management switches, sensors and input devices
- Country of Origin: China
LMCP8/24/48 Relay Panel Interiors User ManualLMCP Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
Panel Programming Settings (xlsx)
LMCPLIXX, LMCP-GEXX Retrofit Kits Cutsheet
LMCP-GE12 DLM GE SWS or TLC Relay to LMCP Retrofit Kit
LMCP-GE24/GE48 DLM GE SWS or TLC Relay to LMCP Retrofit Kit
LMCP-LI8, LI24, and LI48 Retrofit Kits Installation Instructions (French)
LMCP-LI8, LI24, and LI48 Retrofit Kits Installation Instructions (Spanish)
LMCP-LI8/LI24/LI48 DLM LI to LMCP Retrofit Kits
90-812 - Typical DLM Switch to LMCP Panel Wiring (dwg)
90-812 - Typical DLM Switch to LMCP Panel Wiring
90-812 - Typical DLM Switch to LMCP Panel Wiring (dxf)
90-813 - Typical DLM Sensor to LMCP Panel Wiring (dxf)
90-813 - Typical DLM Sensor to LMCP Panel Wiring (dwg)
90-813 - Typical DLM Sensor to LMCP Panel Wiring
90-814 - Typical Photocell to LMCP Panel Wiring
90-814 - Typical Photocell to LMCP Panel Wiring (dxf)
90-814 - Typical Photocell to LMCP Panel Wiring (dwg)
90-815 - Typical Daylighting to LMCP Panel Wiring
90-815 - Typical Daylighting to LMCP Panel Wiring (dxf)
90-815 - Typical Daylighting to LMCP Panel Wiring (dwg)
90-891 - Typical LMCP8 Panel Interior (dwg)
90-891 - Typical LMCP8 Panel Interior
90-891 - Typical LMCP8 Panel Interior (dxf)
90-892 - Typical LMCP24 Panel Interior (dxf)
90-892 - Typical LMCP24 Panel Interior (dwg)
90-892 - Typical LMCP24 Panel Interior
90-893 - Typical LMCP48 Panel Interior
90-893 - Typical LMCP48 Panel Interior (dwg)
90-893 - Typical LMCP48 Panel Interior (dxf)
More Information
Manufacturer Catalog Number
Country of Origin